Friday, January 25, 2013

Beeeee Positive

It's the day before my conference trip to the Pacific Northwest. I am both excited about it, and dreading it. How I can be both things equally has me a little perplexed...kind of like when I try to fix my computer without asking for my husband's help first.

Got this off of Guudmorning's Flickr stream and kind of wonder if I'm being spied on because I've made this face before...

Anyway, I am excited because I get to see friends I have not seen in a while (yay!), and because I've not ever been to Seattle and I like to visit new places. I am also excited because going to conferences always rejuvenates me and re-inspires me in my career, which is something that I need to do every now and then otherwise I get in a rut and then feel like I'm not contributing to society the way I should be. And while I am not looking forward to spending time away from the husband he gets some guilt free WOW time and I don't have to fight for space on the bed for a couple nights.

But dear Lord I can't stand to fly. The whole concept scares me. You're up in the air, no net, no wires, in a thing that weighs a lot and looks nothing at all like it should be able to get off the ground even a little without one of those giant ass cranes they use to build skyscrapers.

Does this really look like something that belongs UP in the AIR?

Even if I can get past my fear of  110 year old technology I still have other issues I need to contend with. I usually sleep on planes, but the take off and landing parts always make me ill, especially flying into places that have too much wind (I'm talking about you, Vegas) and most especially if I'm already having tummy issues, which are going to be there if I am stressed out. Which I am. Also, there is dealing with getting through airport security, which I may have mentioned before is always a hassle because for some reason I am the only person in the world with an insulin pump and a continuous blood glucose testing monitor... I'll save that rant for some other time.

I really need to start packing. First thing that goes into the suitcase? Diabetes supplies. Unless, of course, I am going to just do carry-on, in which case they are the last thing that goes in because chances are I will have to take them out and show them to someone. Some might say that I should always keep my supplies with me even if I do check my luggage because then when the airline loses everything I will at least have the important things.  And I might be inclined to agree with that now that I've really thought about it.

Carry on it is.


Thursday, January 10, 2013

I resolve to do nothing

Happy New Year!

This year I will not resolve to do a damn thing because a few years ago I made a resolution to stop making those things, and for once it stuck.

I have decided this year to exercise more and eat better, which I decide to do every year. But if I fall off the wagon, and get back on, so be it. It's not a crime to screw up. If it were a crime we'd all have rap sheets ten miles long. To err is human, after all.

Also, my blood sugar is low as I write this, so let's see where it goes. (Before anyone gets all bent outta shape, yes, I am taking care of it. It takes time for it to come up, though, so why not see where this goes?)

I am trying to be better bout eating right and not worry so much about calories, mostly because I think the exercise will do more than eating nothing but carrot sticks and half size portions. As long as I am not eating fast food and binging on family size bags of chips I should be okay. I'm also trying to do exercise that I can do anywhere since there is going to be a lot of travel in my future if the hubs, work, and New Kids on the Block all align the way I want them to.

Travel for any reason always messes me up. I hate flying, so in the days leading up to a flight I get nervous. I don't sleep well anyplace other than my bed. I can't always eat right when I'm at a conference because I'm rushing around trying to get to meetings and what have you. And don't get me started on time zones.

A 9 am meeting in Boston is great when your body doesn't think it's only 6.

Travel is also a pain when you have two medical devices, various lengths of sharp pointy needles, and other medical sundries to concern yourself with. I may be gone three days, but I need to take six days worth of supplies with me because most of this stuff I can't just hit up the local drugstore for. If you forget your tooth brush, well, most hotels can accommodate you. I forget my pump supplies? Very bad things.

I'll be heading to the Pacific NW for a conference in a couple weeks, and already I am stressing about packing and getting through airport security and making sure I have enough stuff with me in case of emergency...Imagine how stressed I'll be the night before my flight. I'll let Phillip J. Fry demonstrate.

Exactly. Thanks Fry.

I let myself get stressed, I know, but honestly, who doesn't stress out when there is travel involved? It's fun, and can be very rewarding, but there is always a part of me that just wants to say, "Let's stay home, okay?"