Sunday, October 28, 2012

Is it November yet?

Halloween is almost here.

It's my least favorite holiday.

Can you guess why?

My blood sugar is now 300 just looking at this.
Being a diabetic and having little bite sized portions of things that smell so good just sitting there at the check out counter, sitting there on the sign in desk at the doctor's office...filling the drawers in my office cabinet because it's Spooky Stories week at the library and the kids come in costume and trick or treat through every department...well, it's weeks of temptation and frankly, I fall off the wagon. Not even Easter, with the chocolate bunnies and Cadbury Crème Eggs, or Christmas, with the peppermint bark and candy canes, has quite the association with all things sweet and bad for you that Halloween does.
Even as a kid I always found it a little...I don't know, what's the word...unfair to send a person who isn't supposed to eat candy out into the night dressed as Barbie/G.I. Joe/whatever to beg for it. Don't get me wrong- dressing up is fun, and gallivanting off into the neighborhood after dark with your friends is, too, but what's to stop you from doing that at any time of year? When all was said and done my friends would be noshing on a pillowcase full of goodies, and even if I snuck one or two pieces at their houses when I got home my mom would confiscate it before my costume was even off- even those really uncomfortable plastic jobbies that they don't even sell anymore. You know what I'm talking about. The ones that had a plastic mask and a plastic smock telling you what the costume was just in case the person answering the door didn't have a TV or a kid?
Halloween really wasn't a big deal, to be honest. My friends never gave me trouble, my little sister (who often hung out with me and my friends since we're so close in age) never gave me trouble either. And even though Mom always intervened on my behalf when I got home, she doled it out one or two pieces at a time in my lunch box- sometimes through Christmas! (Stick the chocolate in the freezer and it will last as long as you can make it.) But the principle of the thing kind of rankles me now.
Candy aside, I'm still not a fan of Halloween. I don't like "scary" movies, and never have. I've never seen "The Shining" or "Scream" or any of the "Halloween" movies...I've never seen "Psycho" or "The Birds" either. I've seen "It" and let me tell you, that's more than enough scary for me. Scary just isn't my thing at all. And then there was that year the dog across the street scared me so much I didn't go out trick or treating for at least another four years. (I was terrified of dogs as a kid, and dogs are terrified of Halloween, so it really was a match made in Hell. Be kind to your dogs and lock them up before you open the door this year.)
So basically, the whole holiday could go away and I'd be okay with it....well, except for one thing.
What I believe Halloween was created for, and the holiday's sole reason for existing.


  1. My b-day is on Halloween and I too wish it would go away.

  2. That makes TWO things that are good about Halloween! My Happy Days Twin! #PotsieForever.

  3. I'm right there with you. hoping I get enough kids to take all 60 pieces of candy that I got.
