Friday, December 14, 2012

Ah, the holidays

I’ve sadly been neglecting my blog, but it has not been because I’ve been getting ready for Christmas and New Year’s. No, I’ve not even scratched the surface of what I need to accomplish in the next ten days and several odd hours. Wait until the last minute and then rush like mad to get everything done is more my style.

The real reason I’ve been not blogging is two-fold. One, I don’t really have much diabetes related to talk about and I’d like to stay on topic as much as possible, and two, I kinda forgot I was doing this until I had to turn a blog in for another site. Oopsie. Also, I’ve been busy trying to track down the entire Star Wars Holiday Special on You Tube. Okay, not really. It’s easy to find. If you dare.
It's not only the video quality that's bad, apparently it's the link, too.


I would like to point out that even though the time between Thanksgiving and the end of the year is my favorite, it’s not always easy to deal with as a diabetic. There’s a lot more temptation regarding food, a lot less motivation to get up and exercise (being sick this last week hasn’t helped, either), and I’ve just got this overall sense of malaise toward taking care of myself. It’s the end of the year, right? I can be more resolved to take care of myself next year.

I am trying though, to be better about what I eat.  The exercise thing is hard because the hubs is sick, too, and it helps to have a work out buddy. Plus we’ve been playing The Old Republic online, and that’s a lot more fun than getting sweaty by walking in place for twenty minutes. My blood sugars and the stupid bathroom scale should be enough to motivate me to exercise, but apparently they aren’t. I’ve gotten to the point now where I’d rather skip a meal than get off my arse and move around, not that this helps get my flabby tummy in any kind of shape other than round.  
Last month at the last minute (see paragraph one) I started a NaNoWriMo book. I believe I mentioned this, but for anyone not in the know,that’s National Novel Writing Month, and the idea is you write a whole novel of 50,000 words between November 1 and November 30. I started it on a girl with diabetes because there aren’t too many young adult novels dealing with the disease, and frankly that pisses me off.  I got about 7,488 words done in four days and haven’t touched it since. It seems that I can start a lot of things but when it comes to finishing them I’m not good at crossing the line. At any rate, I started another book (I think this brings my current total of unfinished tomes to 12 or something…), so that’s something. Perhaps I could just post it here in installments and then you all could share it with people if you wanted to. Hmm. There’s a thought
In case I put off blogging again until 2013, or in case there is no 2013, I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday season!

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