I know this isn't necessarily about diabetes, but here's the thing: if I want to share this blog with people (which I do, even complete strangers, because I think it might be helpful to people) via Google+, I HAVE to link it to my personal account, which means people I don't freaking know now have access to "learning more about me than I may be willing to share." Because of this, you will learn almost nothing about me from my Google+ profile, even if you're my husband, because I have almost every single solitary thing that I can set to "Only Me" set to "Only Me." And that makes social media basically a giant steaming pile of waste of time.
I spend more time changing the defaults than I do actually posting stuff.
What I share on this blog I share because I want to, not because the privacy deficient morons at Facebook changed the privacy settings yet again so that things we thought we were posting in private are now searchable by Yahoo. And yes, I know that this blog makes me sound like a ranting lunatic who wears aluminum foil hats to keep the government out of her head (I don't, mostly because they could get around that if they wanted to), but the fact of the matter is, people, that what you put on the Internet, even in private, is FOREVER. Those Tweets you deleted? Yeah, anyone who gets your tweets sent to their phone still has them. The Library of Congress has been collecting Tweets for years. Some server somewhere has a cached memory which your tweet still resides on, and is still searchable by any search engine. Armageddon will happen, cities will be leveled, the human race will be destroyed, and you know what? Those Tweets you deleted will still be there, and the cockroaches will be reading them while they eat Twinkies under the radioactive sky.

Now back and more resilient than ever.
Where am I going with this? It's kind of a rant, and I think I lost the point... oh yeah.
So now my blog is connected to my Google+ account, because frankly Google dominates everything and eventually we'll be calling them our lords and masters anyway. Why do I use them, then, you ask? Because I'm the only one who misses letter writing, and I see the positives in what social media can offer us, if used responsibly. I will say that at least Google makes it fairly simple to opt out of sharing things you don't want to share, whereas Facebook is run by the NSA or something considering how little they care for user privacy.
Shit, did I just get political? I'll shut up now.
Long story short, if you go to tag me in a picture or add me to an event or say we work together/went to school together on any social media, do not be surprised if I UNtag myself, say I'm not going even though I am, and refuse every single request to acknowledge that I do what I do for a living where I do it or that I matriculated from any one institution. Also, don't trust that birthday app that tells you when my birthday is, because 1) I don't allow them access to my profile and 2) Facebook doesn't know when my birthday is. Yes, I am the crazy lady. But when you've been pricking your fingers for over thirty years, you have tasted insulin as your blood stream shoots it past your taste buds because you injected it in the oh-so-wrong place, and you have spent more hours than you can count worrying about your physical health like I have, you're entitled to the crazy. At least a little.
Or in the case of Freddie Mercury, as crazy as you want.
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