Monday, November 11, 2013

Diabetes Girl and the NaNoWriMo

It's National Novel Writing Month, and I've been working on my diabetes novel. I wish I could say it's going well, but it's going slow, and that's not really the same thing. Having my lap top crap out on me didn't help...and neither did the fact that I logged into Star Wars: The Old Republic today and started to play that again. And "Thor 2" came out, so we'll likely go see that tomorrow...

I may never get this novel done.

It's not that I don't want to get this written. I do. It's just I know that once it's written no one's gonna read it. The idea for it started last year when I did a blog for the YALSA Hub and the idea has been germinating in the back of my head. I figured it would be a good thing to write a book for teens with a diabetic main that wasn't too preachy, or had the sole focus of the book be diabetes. Should be easy-peasy for me...right?

Didn't happen last year.

Is coming along a little slower than I'd like this year.

My method of writing isn't the NaNoWriMo method. 50K words in a month? No time for editing, no time for finesse...just push out the words and let them fall where they may. Oh my lord it's the scariest thing ever. I'm totally stressin'.

So, here's a video of Tom Hiddleston showing why Loki is better than Thor. I need to get back to writing.

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