Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Blargh. No really.

So last night I either ate something that I shouldn't have or caught a 24 hour bug of some kind, because I was nauseated all night. All. Night. In fact, I was feeling it on my way home from work. NBD, right? Took some Pepto, watched The Voice with the hubs and took a night off of Star Wars: The Old Republic and should be right as rain in the morning. I had a lot of plans for today, too,  because I was going in to work late to make up for going to a meeting on my day off. I haven't had a haircut in months and I could use some new work clothes, but never have time to go out and do those things, so having a couple extra hours in the middle of the week would be awesome.

Future's so bright I gotta wear shades, right?

I miss Scrubs.
I neglected to mention that my blood sugar was low all last night, too. I can say from previous experiences that being low and nauseated at the same time is the weirdest dichotomy. You want to eat all the things at the same time you never want to eat anything again. But the hubs got some food in me and we got the baby to bed and went to sleep a little early, and I hoped that by this morning I'd feel fine.
Fast forward to two in the morning and I was in the bathroom throwing up all of...well, all of nothing, because there was nothing in my stomach. It was mostly bile, and all disgusting, and I hated every second of it. When I was done I felt even worse than I had before I'd woken up with that, "You know, the sooner you get your butt out of bed and get your head over the toilet the better" feeling. And of course Bandit started whining as soon as I'd managed to make it back to bed. No way was I going to take care of the dog feeling like I was so the best I could do was wake up the husband and get him to do it.
Long story short it was a rotten night and I got none of the things I was planning on doing today done.
The day after illness like this I always feel like someone punched me several times. I slept most of today and didn't go into work at all. I got up early, got the baby ready for daycare while the husband got ready for work, fed the dogs, and as soon as everyone was on their way out the door or to the food bowl I set the alarm on my phone and went to bed. I got up after an hour, gave Bandit his insulin, and went back to bed for the rest of the morning. I ate lunch, slept some more, and then the family was home and it was dinner time.
I've managed to keep everything I've eaten today down, but I'm still tired. I mean, I may go to bed after posting this tired. Being sick always takes so much out of me. And I'm still not sure what the hell was going on last night. If lunch made me sick I should have thrown up something, and probably before I even left work. And if it was exacerbated by orange juice and Hawaiian sweet rolls, surely those would have made a command reappearance? There was nothing, and I heaved so hard that my abs hurt when I got up this morning. I don't like not knowing.

Silver lining? I've been sleeping pretty poorly the past several weeks and today I think I started to get caught up on what I've been missing out on, so that's good. And I do feel better, so I shouldn't have any issues getting up and going in to work, where we're getting ready for new carpet and some furniture rearranging that has me way giddier than you'd expect. Also, I found that my New Kids on the Block concert tickets had arrived yesterday, in plenty of time for the show, which is so unlike GroundCtrl that I'm pretty sure it's a miracle.

So I guess I can't really complain.

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