Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Who's Tired?

I know I am.

And I don't mean I'm tired as in I didn't get enough sleep last night (though I probably didn't.) I mean I'm tired. I'm running on fumes. I'm empty. No get up and go. I can barely keep my head on. Bone tired. Exhausted. On my third cuppa Joe today and still not entirely sure I am adequately awake enough to adult my way through the day.

I'm kinda used to it, though. I mean, I have a lot on my agenda these days. Work, caring for family, we just bought a new puppy two days ago, that whole "diabetes" thing...

If I'm really honest, that's what I am most tired of these days. I made an unpleasant discovery, confirmed with actual scientific testing if you can call me actually paying attention and making mental notes to confirm my suspicions scientific testing. After fifteen plus years of pump use, my right side is defunct. There is so much scar tissue built up that if I have my insulin pump setting inserted there I end up with NO DELIVERY alerts after a day or two. This poses some issues, the most obvious being I'm not getting any insulin.

Just in case that wasn't clear.

But I'm also not able to stay in Auto Mode if this happens, which is the whole point of this pump I'm using. So that's a big frustration, but no biggie, right? I just switch sides. Only that means my sensor is now on my right side, and while it usually lasts six days on the left, on the right we're having failures. Maybe it will last three days, maybe it will die the day I put it on. Who knows? All I can say for certain is on my right side I can't get it to last much longer than that.

To say I am annoyed with this would not be accurate. I'm not annoyed. I'm angry. I'm tired of my body betraying me left and right (mostly right). First my immune system kills off my Islets of Langerhans, now my body is making it more and more challenging to get the insulin I need to inject because it can't make it on its own. What's next?

It isn't as if I haven't tried to keep this at bay, either. I've been a diabetic a long, looong time. There is scar tissue built up in my thighs and arms from countless insulin injections over the years. It's not like it was a surprise that this could happen. And unlike muscle or, to some extent, fat, there's no way to get rid of scar tissue that I am aware of, though I think that as time has passed the "visualness" of it has lessened now that I'm attacking using my stomach instead of them. It's still there, though, under the surface.

There are techniques and tips for avoiding this seemingly inevitable turn of events. Move the injection sites around so the same place isn't getting poked over and over and over for one thing. (I have been doing this.) There are lists upon lists of suggestions online. 3.3 million+ hits for "insulin pump tips and tricks" should garner some useful knowledge, you know, once you get past all of the Google Ads and site not founds and blog posts by random diabetics you don't know and probably shouldn't take health advice from (a-HEM).

As in all things, though, what works for one diabetic may not work for another. I have yet to meet anyone else with diabetes who has an adverse reaction to fish like I do (Whenever I eat fish my blood sugar tanks if I am not careful. Seriously.) So when I see suggestions like, "Take an insulin pump break and give your infusion sites a rest" I am wondering a few things. Like how the hell these people manage to get their insurance to pay for more than one way of treating diabetes, because there's no way my insurance company is going to pay for expensive as hell pump supplies if I'm able to take a cheapy "just use syringes for a couple of weeks like I did when I was ten" vacation from it. I can barely get them to pay for 100 blood glucose test strips a month, and, in fact, I cannot do that because they will only let Medtronic send me 50 a month. 

If you're counting, that comes out to less than two finger pricks a day. 

Bottom line here? I'm tired of diabetes. I'm tired of living it. I'm tired of hearing other people make suggestions about how to treat it. I'm tired of feeling like crap and being tired because of it. But I'm also tired of it being the last thing I think about and pay attention to, because I'm sure that my burnout contributes to the not feeling well. So in spite of the fact that I don't want to be taking care of this stupid thing I think it's time for me to climb back on the wagon and see if I can get this train back on the tracks*. Maybe blogging about it will make me accountable.

*It's also time I stop mixing my metaphors.

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