Thursday, October 18, 2012

The long and winding road...

So, that medical procedure went okee-day. Except for the fact that I'm feeling kinda like I had a medical procedure, and I can't quite shake the alien feeling. Also, they pump you full of air to make room for their surgical instruments, I think, which makes for an uncomfortable couple of days.

Just sayin'.
The thing about medical anything and diabetes is that no matter what people tell me about how long it takes to recover, I always end up taking longer to heal than I expect- even when I'm in really great shape diabetes-wise, which, I must admit, I have not been this past month. Between being sick for a while with a lingering head cold and then this surgery thing, diet and exercise have not had a place in my home. Needless to say, both my glucometer and the scale have been showing me higher numbers than I would like.
Here's the weird, totally not expected thing about this...I miss exercising. I miss eating right. I must be missing a few screws, too, because this isn't me. I'm all about noshing on deep fried stuff and sitting on my butt and playing video games or watching "The Princess Bride" for the one thousand one hundred and thirty eighth time. I'm lazy. I'm so lazy I have a theme song written by Irving Berlin and sung by none other than Bing Crosby, because yes I am that cool.
It's called "Lazy," ironically enough.
But here I am, actually kind of craving exercise and vegetables. I'm guessing this a good's odd, but I think somewhere along the line I may have made a life change. I'm planning on really getting going on Sunday when I have the all clear to exercise again, and hopefully by the end of December I'll be down five pounds or so and back on track with those blood sugars.
The only problem I really foresee is having to come up with a new theme song...

Yeah. That'll work.

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