Everything started out normal today. I woke up feeling pretty good. Got in my 30 minutes of exercise, got myself some coffee and some lunch packed, and I was ready to start my day. I made it to the car, put my stuff in it and....water is seeping out of my garage.
Well, I've lived in this house long enough to know not to ignore things like this, and when I went into the garage I found the water softener had sprung a leak.
Water, water everywhere...
No problem, though I admit I had a brief moment of panic. I called the plumber, my husband came home so I could cover the desk at work, and it didn't even cost us a second mortgage to get fixed. Little bump in the road, but out of the way early, so no worries.
While I was at work I noticed my foot was hurting more than yesterday. I figured it was because yesterday when I was at the podiatrist he gave me a night brace to wear, and it was a little awkward. I'm not used to it yet, so it probably made me a little sore. No big deal. But late this morning while I was walking to another department, my foot popped. When I say "my foot" I really mean the plantar fascia which has been giving me grief for the last month, and when I say "popped" I mean I heard and felt something that I never want to hear or feel again. Within a minute I was breaking out in a cold sweat and feeling so sick to my stomach I thought for sure I was going to toss my cookies right in the hallway.
I called home to talk to my hubby, who offered to take me to the hospital. I decided against that and called my doctor, who said to not put any pressure on it and to come back in as soon as possible and see one of his partners since he was gone the rest of the day. My parents drove a walker over to me and I tried to get as much work done as I could before I had to leave for my appointment because I was pretty sure from how much pain I was in that my work week was done at this point.
Turns out I tore the damn plantar fascia in my left foot, which is apparently a rare and not so wonderful occurrence. Fortunately (?) when they do surgery on a PF they cut it to stretch it out, so basically my foot skipped ahead. Now I have to stay off of my foot for at least one week, maybe two, and I need to learn how to get around on crutches. I've never broken a bone so this will be a new experience for me. Oh, and I have to wear one of these:
The Boot.
Oh, I also left my Dex meter at work in my hobbled haste to get to the doctor, so my husband, who at this point had already taken off half the day for the plumbing, took off the rest of the day so he could go get that and then come home and take care of me, which is good because the walker I borrowed from my parents has already given me a blister. We're gonna borrow some crutches from a friend instead and hope I fare better on those.
The worst of this is that exercising is going to be even more difficult now. I was getting used to the exercise bike- really liked using it, in fact. Two weeks done and I really felt good about it. And now with the boot I have to find other ways to get my aerobics in. It's always something, isn't it?
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